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Martin Kiem Waldbaden

Let me help you be 

truly connected to yourself,

each other

and the world.



Martin Kiem Coaching

My Philosophy


As a Coach, Counsellor in training and Nature Therapy based guide, I am deeply convinced that relationships are the elixir of human life. Only when we are truly connected with ourselves, have healthy relationships with others and feel a sense of belonging to the world, can we be fully "real" and in turn, discover and develop our own authentic potential. In contrast, self-alienation, social loneliness, and an ever-increasing alienation from nature lead to a multitude of problems and strongly affect individuals, organizations and the greater society, on multiple levels.


As a coach & consultant, my work and organisational psychology studies, ecopsychology & nature therapy qualifications and my many years of coaching informs my methodology. I work with individuals, groups and companies. Together, we focus on understanding what exactly true connection is, and develop customised programs which lead to greater connectedness and belonging. The outcomes of our collaboration are profound.

On an individual level, mental health and wellbeing are improved, quality of living is enhanced, and life as a result is enriched. On an organisational level, a strong sense of "we" and "us" is formed which leads to greater outcomes in terms of employee health and satisfaction, commitment, and productivity.  And lastly on a greater societal level, I believe that many of today's social and ecological problems can be traced back, at least in part, to an increasing alienation from each other and from nature.


It would be an honour for me to accompany you in finding true connectedness with yourself, with others and in nature. To find out more about my personal and professional journey, click on the below link.






Martin Kiem Vortrag


Martin Kiem Interview im Der Spiegel Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Interview in der Süddeutsche Zeitung Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Sendung im  Bayrischer Rundfunk zum Thema  Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Fernsehbericht auf SAT 1 zum Thema Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Interview mit GEO Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Bericht in der Bunte zum Thema Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Video Bericht auf zum Thema Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Interview mit Vanity Fair zum Thema Waldbaden
Martin Kiem Kurzbeitrag auf Focus Online zum Thema Waldbaden
Radio Wohnzimmer Sendung auf Rai Südtirol
"Martin du hast eine wundervolle Gabe. ...Deine Stärke, Gruppen zu leiten, in denen jeder Teilnehmer gleichermaßen gesehen und gehört wird, hat mich beeindruckt. Deine Stärke, Menschen zuzuhören, ohne sie zu bewerten, hat mich begeistert. Deine Art, Menschen zu achten, sie wertzuschätzen, ohne auch nur ein einziges Mal eine abwertende Bemerkung zu machen, finde ich mehr als bewundernswert. Ganz egal, ob jemand viel oder wenig Energie/Kraft/Aufmerksamkeit in eine Arbeit gesteckt hat, du hast alles honoriert. 

Dina K., Deutschland

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